Postural Realignment In Epping and Greenland

What is Postural Realignment?

Postural realignment involves a posture evaluation, tips on how to improve your posture, and a set of exercises designed to correct it. Our physical therapists will assess your posture during each treatment session. If they determine that poor posture is contributing to your pain or other issues, postural realignment will be incorporated into your treatment plan.

The posture assessment involves identifying any tight or weak muscles that may be causing you to maintain poor posture, as well as any joint stiffness or hypermobility that could also contribute to poor posture.

Postural advice includes instructions on proper sitting and standing positioning, as well as moving and handling techniques that will help you improve your posture. This advice will be tailored to your specific needs and take into account your occupation, driving habits, and other daily activities so that you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine.

Exercises to improve posture are designed to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles that may be causing you to adopt a painful and poor posture. Additionally, exercises may be given to loosen stiff joints or provide more stability to joints that are overly mobile.

Postural Problems in Epping and Greenland

Individuals with poor posture, muscle imbalances, and pain can benefit greatly from a comprehensive postural assessment and realignment. A proper posture can improve your overall functionality and reduce pain levels.

There are several types of postural problems, including:

Kypholordosis: an excessive curvature in the lower and upper back, which can result in weak neck, stomach, buttock, and hamstring muscles, as well as tight hip and back muscles.

Flat Back: which is characterized by a loss of natural curves in the back and can lead to weak hip and back muscles and tight hamstring muscles.

Sway Back: a forward tilt of the pelvis that may cause weak hip, back, stomach, and neck muscles, as well as tight hamstrings.

Round Shoulders: which creates a hunched posture and can result in weak upper back muscles and tight pectoral muscles.

Lordosis: an excessive inward curve of the spine, causing some muscles to become tight and others to become weak, depending on the location of the lordosis.

Kyphosis: an excessive outward curve of the spine that can cause a muscle imbalance in the surrounding area.

Leg Length Discrepancies: a difference in the overall measurements between the two legs, including true leg length due to bone length differences, and apparent leg length due to soft
tissue shortening around the pelvis, legs, and ankle.

Scoliosis: a sideways curve of the spine that can be corrected by strengthening the back muscles that support the spine.

Poking Chin Posture: a posture that can result in neck pain and headaches due to muscle imbalances and stiffness in the neck and surrounding areas.

Benefits of Postural Realignment in Epping and Greenland

A cycle of muscle imbalance and pain can be difficult to break without the help of physical therapy if you have poor posture. The pain caused by poor posture can make it challenging to improve your posture without professional intervention.

The benefits of postural realignment in physical therapy include:

  • Alleviating pain
  • Enhancing weak muscle strength
  • Stretching overused muscles
  • Loosening and fortifying rigid joints
  • Improving overall posture
  • Increasing functionality

Our team of specialists will work with you to achieve optimal posture and relieve pain. They will perform a comprehensive postural assessment and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs.

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Mitzi McGirl

I have lived greater than 50 years with advanced scoliosis.  Overtime I gradually became more symptomatic.  I would often find myself saying “my scoliosis is catching up with me” whenever I had an ache or pain.  Naturally I chose to carry on, assuming there wasn’t much to do, since you can’t fix crooked.  I have attended roughly 6 visits with Natalie and continue to be thrilled with my progress.  Progress in terms of improved range of motion, diminished pain, and enhanced awareness of what to do outside of clinic visits.  Thank you!

Justin Hoellrich

Natalie has, in no uncertain terms, changed my life. That is not hyperbole, nor exaggeration. After months of absolutely debilitating, unidentifiable pain, Natalie unlocked the answer. I had been to multiple chiropractors, a different physical therapist, read multiple books and been all over the internet. I was ready to get on a plane to see a specialist across the country. It was ruining my life. By the Grace of God, Ability Allies came into my sights. It doesn’t matter where or what your pain is; go see her. She will find the root of the problem. She will design a program you can follow. She will listen to you and provide compassionate feedback. You have to do the maintenance work at home, but she will guide you back to wellness through her profound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Pain is a signal that something is wrong. Heed the warning, fix the problem. I could barely stand upright, let alone do all the things I love to do. Unlike other medical professionals, her goal is to actually NOT see you, once you are well. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE IN PAIN. SEEK WELLNESS. SEEK NATALIE!